
Fiberglass Structural Profiles

We understand the needs of the construction industry and therefore we offer excellent quality fiberglass structural profiles that can be used in the development of all types of functional buildings.

Their resistance and toughness make them one of the most efficient and important elements for innovative and modern construction.

perfiles estructurales

Pultruded fiberglass grids

We have Safe-T-Span grids, which have been created from highly durable and anti-corrosion materials. The result is a very light, low-maintenance grid that requires simple, low-cost installation and simple handling.

Safe-T-Span outperforms conventional steel grids and is a better alternative for wide bearing spacing applications.

Fiberglass Structural Profiles

We differentiate ourselves by our fiberglass profiles. These products are one of the most versatile, they can be applied to different uses and the result will be a great resistance to corrosion, strong structures, lightness in weight, dimensional stability and zero thermal and electrical conductivity.

You can request them in different sizes.

Made with different resins so that they can be adapted to any application, design or project.

The structural profiles have undergone various tests to confirm the maximum safety of their properties.

Compliance with standardized ASTM procedures.

ISOFR isophthalic polyester resin with high resistance to chemical substances and VEFR vinyl ester resin resistant to chemical components, high temperatures and with low fire propagation have been used for the elaboration of our profiles.


These are some of the qualities that differentiate us:

  • Corrosion resistance in the most difficult or extreme environmental conditions; It can withstand extreme heat or cold, as well as high levels of acidity.
  • Electrical insulator for powers that can reach up to 220 Kw.
  • Weight well below steel and with even greater strength. The weight is calculated at just 20% of what steel weighs.
  • Ability to adapt to various measures and shapes, therefore, the profiles are suitable for construction projects with very specific technical requirements.
  • Its useful life is estimated at more than 30 years without maintenance.
  • Fiberglass profiles are suitable for outdoor construction projects.
  • Wheels can be attached to the profiles for easy and economical transfer.
  • The surface of the fiberglass profiles can be slip resistant.

We adapt to all types of applications, uses and projects

Structural profiles are perfect for the construction of buildings for functional purposes. For example, commercial structures, department stores, offices, hospitals, power towers and any large building.

If you need the highest resistance, fiberglass profiles are the most recommended.

With a useful life that exceeds any expectation, low maintenance budget savings and a resistance far superior to other more expensive materials, fiberglass structural profiles are your best option.

Types of resins

The resins used in the structural profile are the following:

ISOFR (Dark Gray)

Resistant isophthalic polyester resin thanks to the chemical substances it presents and is ideal for conditions with extreme acidity and has low fire spread.

VEFR (Beige)

Vinyl ester resin that offers resistance to chemical components, offers tolerance to high temperatures and low flame spread (when evaluated according to the ASTM E-84 standard)

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